Fenixfoam is a range of closed-cell structural foams designed to guarantee an optimum strength to weight ratio together with a high fire behaviour; in addiction Fenixfoam materials show excellent fire reaction properties with special concern for low flammability, low density and low toxicity smoke emission. Also, they offer good thermal and acoustic isolation.
Available in different densities the Fenixfoam range allows to successfully meet technical requirements related to a number of different applications, in different sectors, namely naval, transportation, and building &construction, both per se or in combination with other materials. In fact, thanks to its nature, Fenixfoam can be combined with different skin materials (plastics reinforced with fiberglass, carbon fiber, aramid fiber, metallic foil, stone material, other composites…) so to produce boards and sandwich panels with high rigidity and strength that can be certified according to specific product’s requirements. Below are listed some among certifications obtained with Fenixfoam/Fenixfoam in sandwich configuration, however specific certification can be pursued to meet customer’s requests.
- Excellent fire behaviour and resistance
- Low flammability, low density and low toxicity smoke emission
- Wide freedom in design through customization
- Lightweight
- Mechanical requirements, shock and bending resistance
- Versatility in manufacturing
- Corrosion free
- Cost saving
- Environmental footprint improvement
Train: interior wall and ceiling lining, interior partitions (HL2 and HL3, EN 45545-2; AFNOR NF F 16.101, DIN 5510-2)
Aircraft: cabin interiors and cabin equipment (FAR 25853)
Ship & Yacht: bulkheads, deck, decorative veneers (IMO; FTP code part 2, part 5)
> Ships interiors
> Yachts interiors
> Rail transportation interiors
> Façade panels
> Aircraft interiors and equipment